Staffordshire & Shropshire Provincial Meeting

StaffsOn Thursday the 30th October, the PGM, RW Bro Keith Partington Schofield accompanied by the Deputy PGM, VW Bro Alex McLaren, the Assistant PGM, VW Bro Jeff Huddart and the Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro. Trevor Parvin travelled to The Staffordshire County Showground to attend the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire and Shropshire. Provincial Grand Lodge tyled at 3pm and the meeting was conducted in a most enjoyable manner.  In addition to the usual formalities RW Bro John Prizeman, the President of the Mark Benevolent Fund, was in attendance and gave a very interesting short talk on the MBF and in particular, the Hope for Tomorrow Charity.

You will be aware that the MBF has committed to supply up to 10 mobile chemotherapy units between now and the sesquicentenary of the MBF in 2018.

Dinner was served at 5.30pm and we were all on our way home around 7.30pm

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