Stanley Mark Lodge 1454

Every picture tells a story. Wednesday the 9th of May saw another visit by the Provincial Team this time to support Brethren of Stanley Lodge Number 1454. Stanley Lodge is based in Audenshaw and on a hot steamy night we all gathered for the installation of the Master Elect Bro Stephen Lambert.

In attendance was our own Deputy Prov Grand Master W Bro John Smith PGJD he was accompanied by a small delegation of provincial officers. With work to be done and the temperature rising the Provincial Team volunteered to help out with some of the jobs ensuring a full complement of Officers on the floor. Hence the Provincial Team refrain – “Where there is work to be done, that’s where you’ll find us”.

The ceremony was conducted in an excellent manner by WBro Brian Grove with other Officers of the Lodge taking part during the proceedings. Even the Provincial Officers supporting were word perfect on the night. The work being finished everyone came together for the Lodge picture in full battle dress. Where John took the opportunity to congratulate the new Worshipful Master, if you look closely you can see the Warrant.

And so it was off to the social board. WBro Smith complemented the Lodge on a fine ceremony and he thanked the Brethren for some generous donations including donations from Brethren not present due to other circumstances. He also congratulated those members of the Lodge who will receive honours this year; it was a fine effort all round.
The social board continued with some good banter and very nice food, before it was off home with the temperature slowly going down and the warrant safely in the new WMs hands.

WBro Mark Rowe ProvDepGSwdB

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