Starkie Mark 159 – Sesquicentenary

On Tuesday 17th January at Accrington Masonic Hall, Starkie Mark Lodge No 159 held a very special meeting to celebrate their Sesquicentenary. They have met continually from 1873 through to 2023 and the meeting was held on the very date of 150 years from consecration.

In attendance were the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Francis Charles Spencer and the Deputy Grand DC Andrew J Brown. Also, from the Province of East Lancashire, were RWBro John Hartley Smith PGM along with the DPGM, David G Rainford  and APGM, Kevin M Reaney together with 20 of this year’s acting Provincial Officers. The Lodge was full with around 50 brethren in attendance.

The Provincial Grand Master gave a short talk about the history of Starkie Lodge and also introduced the Provincial Team. The Provincial Secretary, WBro Brendan Harte then read a letter from the PGM and a sesquicentenary certificate from the Province. These were then presented to the Worshipful Master. The RW Dep Grand Master was admitted and assumed  the chair of Adoniram. He gave an address concerning the long life of Starkie Lodge following which he presented the Sesquicentenary Warrant to the Worshipful Master,  WBro Nigel G Bramley-Haworth, PGJD.

The Lodge business being ended by 7-35, everyone retired to the bar for a well deserved drink. The dining room was beautifully laid and on this occasion, many of the brethren acted as Stewards and served a pleasant 3-course meal.

A wonderful celebration, on this cold & snowy evening, was enjoyed by all privileged to attend. Sincere thanks are due to VWBro Peter Hargreaves, PGJO for all his hard work in organising this special event and for his research and delivery of an address concerning the formation and consecration of this very fine old Lodge.

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