Starkie Mark Lodge No. 159 Installation

D.Prov.G.M. John Smith congratulates Brian Derbyshire on retaining the chair of Starkie Lodge
D.Prov.G.M. John Smith congratulates Brian Derbyshire on retaining the chair of Starkie Lodge

On Thursday 18th February 26 brethren witnessed theAnnual Installation Ceremony of Starkie Mark Lodge.

Prior to the meeting, the Lodge DC Brian Maden reported in sick. W.Bro. John Hargreaves was quickly press ganged into replacing him and on the evening, marshalled his forces admirably.

The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Brian Derbyshire was remaining in the chair for a further year but the Lodge decided that as the D.Prov.G.M. W.Bro. John Smith was attending, they would work the ceremony of installing a Past Master. That job fell to the Immediate Past Master, W.Bro. Tony McAleese.

After Brian was presented he recited his obligation before being re-installed in excellent fashion by Tony who also addressed the WM on his Installation.

On the second rising the WM presented cheques to the Deputy as follows:-

ELMBF, £150.00, 2021 Festival £50.00, North West Blood Bikes £100.00 and the Province for the Provincial Meeting £50.00.

For a small Lodge, this was a magnificent sum.

At the Social Board, W.Bro. Smith referred to the importance of Mark members joining the Royal Ark Mariner Degree. He also spoke at length about the work of the Mark Benevolent Fund and the fact that this wonderful charity depended entirely upon annual Festivals for its funding. He explained that,in East Lancashire, we have a once in 42 years opportunity in 2021 to show, in monetary terms, our support of the MBF. A once in a lifetime opportunity for most of us.

W.M. Brian Derbyshire with Installing Master Tony McAleese and the D.Prov.G.M.
W.M. Brian Derbyshire with Installing Master Tony McAleese and the D.Prov.G.M.

A very happy evening concluded shortly after 9.30pm.

One thought on “Starkie Mark Lodge No. 159 Installation

  1. Mark Rowe Reply

    The DPGM beat us to it in posting this report. Sushil and I enjoyed supporting the DPGM along with Mike Porter. At the Festive Board W. Bro Brian Derbyshire, WM said he was pleased to be in the chair again and thanked W.Bro John Smith, DPGM for his visit to his Installation and the provincial escort team, officers of his Lodge and the visitors. Particularly thanks went to W.Bro Tony McAleese for his work before and during the installation. What an excellent job Tony did along with the other officers. We had a great time in good company with good food what more could you ask for.

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