Stewart completes C2C – and raises £952 !

sm5WBro Stewart Mills (a member of William R Callender Lodge 136 in Bury) and his lovely wife Janet have now completed their coast to coast bike ride, managing to raise the grand total of £952 in the process ! (£447 for the Mark 2021 Festival, £215 for ELMBF, £145 for Bury Hospice and £145 for Derian House).


Here’s Stewart’s report:

After a full English breakfast, we set off down to the waterfront at Whitehaven where we meet two guys who were doing the same ride. We set off in fine weather and the first 10 miles were easy going – then the hills hit us ! Arriving at Keswick, we stopped for lunch. The afternoon saw us arrive at Greystoke Castle (where Tarzan was filmed), at around 4 30pm. On the first day we travel 48 miles.


Day 2. Set off in the mist at 8 am, but within 9 miles just round the corner – OH NO ! – more big hills ! After a 5 mile steady climb, around the next corner was a welcome site – a cafe. Lots of motor bikers/cyclists there taking a well deserved rest. After lunch, yet more hills. Arrived at Rokehole around 6 pm in the mist. Welcome meal/class/glass of wine or 3.


Day3. Will we make the last leg ? Leaving our bunk house a bit later (9 ish), set off with our companions. Steady away was the mood of all – super downhill descent. Oops, missed our turning going too fast ! No problem onto the main road – “3 miles turn left”, they shouted. Well we turn left – to our surprise Bunker Hill which is a 1 in 4. Up this climb – beat us all – got off to walk for what seemed like ages. This road went onwards and upwards for approx 5 miles. At the top you could see for miles (if you had good eyesight!).


Stanhope Railway Station was in its time one of the highest in the UK. They had a cable system to pull the steamer up, which would then freewheel down to Sunderland – as we 4 did with the greatest of pleasure ! Hours later we arrive at Roker Point.


Yes folks, we have made it on our super tandem – a total of 136 miles. Janet and I would like to thank you all for the sponsorship.

WBro T Stewart Mills

2 thoughts on “Stewart completes C2C – and raises £952 !

  1. alex mclaren Reply

    Congratulations Stewart and Janet,
    An amazing achievement and a wonderful donation to the 2021 Festival and the other Charities. Thank you

  2. BRIAN WHITE Reply

    Brilliant Stewart & Janet! Very well done! You are an amazing couple- extremely fit! Well done too for raising nearly a thousand pounds for charities! Excellent! Very Best Wishes, Brian & Joy.

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