9 months to go…..but who’s counting?

3rd July 2021 is now just around the corner and as we approach what should be the start of our last Masonic season before the conclusion of the Festival I thought it timely to remind everyone of the importance of supporting this infrequent event in our Province. Only this week I have heard that the MBF has agreed to purchase an adapted minibus for Age UK (Manchester) at a cost of some £42,000. The minibus will have a tail lift for 2 wheelchairs and will accommodate 12 people. Watch out for it as you travel around Manchester. It will be fully branded with MBF signage.
The Mark Benevolent Fund has supported Freemasons and other worthy causes in this Province for many, many years. I have spoken on many occasions of the vast sums of money paid to beneficiaries in our own Province over the last 20 years. Significantly in excess of £1.5 million. Whatever we put in, we get more back so now is our opportunity to show our appreciation to the MBF by raising a total worth of our great Province. We are of course, unable to make our usual donations through our Lodge Charity plates, raffles and other fund raising events due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic so I again implore you to consider a personal donation at this difficult time. The appropriate forms can be found on the “Support the 2021 Festival” page.
We now have a stock of lapel badges for our 2021 Festival and these can be obtained from Graham Mangham. Please email Graham for details. I appreciate that we cannot wear these yet but let’s be prepared for when we return to ‘business as usual’.

Final Banquet tickets are selling well and we are already 50% subscribed. Many of you in our own Province are holding back from booking at this early stage but I do believe that you should consider reserving your place now to ensure you are able to attend what I am sure will be, a most memorable occasion.                                   

Booking forms can be downloaded here 

Thank you all for your support.
Keep safe and well brethren and I hope to see you soon.
Best wishes

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