Suspension of meetings


Under the current prevailing circumstances Grand Mark Lodge have issued the following instruction: –

The Grand Masters of the Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall have jointly
agreed an immediate General Suspension of all Masonic Activity for a period of four
months. This means that no masonic meetings or related social activities should take
place until further notice.

Please adhere to this important direction.

Take care of yourselves and your families.

Yours fraternally


2 thoughts on “Suspension of meetings

  1. Peter Hawksworth Reply

    I could not have said it better myself – it is a good job that all my calls are covered by an omnibus monthly payment or I would have been bankrupt by now. It has been well worth the calls, as you say, all being much appreciated.

  2. Victor Murphy Reply

    Brethren, I do not want this to sound alarmist, however in this unprecedented period of time we must all take every precaution to keep ourselves and loved ones safe.
    This extends to us a Mark Master Masons in the care for our communities, by doing as advised by our, Government & Health professionals & if that means self isolation so be it.
    Remember we have Telephones / Computers to remain in contact with each other. The sound of a friendly voice can be quite reassuring especially to those who live alone.

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