What a night at GFN 1405

Hats off to George Cattanach after celebrating 75 years as a Mark Mason.
WBro George Cattanach, PGJD, has had a remarkable Masonic journey and representatives from his own Lodge, The Province of East Lancashire and Grand Lodge were in attendance to celebrate a remarkable achievement of being a Mark Man for 75 years.… Read more “What a night at GFN 1405”

wet and windy night in Accrington

On a wet and windy night in Accrington, Adoniram Mark Lodge met for their Installation.

Unfortunately, the Master Elect, Bro Allan Williams has been diagnosed with a serious problem and was unable to take the chair. The brethren of Adoniram and indeed, all the Province wish him well for a

Adoniram Mark Lodge No 1065 Installation

AccringtonOn Tuesday 26th November 2014, W.Bro. John Smith, P.G.Stwd., A.Prov.G.M. attended the Installation of Adoniram Mark Lodge, Accrington.

There were 39 brethren present to witness