wet and windy night in Accrington

On a wet and windy night in Accrington, Adoniram Mark Lodge met for their Installation.

Unfortunately, the Master Elect, Bro Allan Williams has been diagnosed with a serious problem and was unable to take the chair. The brethren of Adoniram and indeed, all the Province wish him well for a

Adoniram 1065 – Double Advancement

You just knew things were all going to plan when the Senior Deacon pulled the drawer front off the ballot box. It wasn’t done intentionally but I think one of the balls got wedged in the box. Anyway, it was a double advancement ceremony for Adoniram Mark Lodge and nothing as simple as a broken ballot box was getting in the way.… Read more “Adoniram 1065 – Double Advancement”

Adoniram 1065 – few but generous Mark Masons.

WM Keith Proctor meets APGM VWBro. David Hedley ThompsonApologies seemed to go on for quite a while as 10 members names were read out as not being able to attend the lodge meeting. It seemed a lot yet the Lodge room felt pleasantly occupied. The March Meeting of Adoniram Mark Lodge 1065 was planned as a lecture which included a visit by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master VWBro David Hedley Thompson accompanied by

Adoniram and the Wardrobe Malfunction

It was a very pleasant and amicable Installation at Adoniram 1065 Mark Lodge. The APGM W.Bro Tony Davies and a delegation arrived early to get a  quick practice in and to see the layout of the lodge. Almost immediately we were welcomed with open arms and