A team effort in Bolton

On Wednesday 20th November St Johns TI and F W Broadbent Mark Lodges met on the same night with a view to supporting each other’s meetings.

FWB led they way opening at 6.20 pm with the Immediate Past Master, W.Bro. John Green in the chair.… Read more “A team effort in Bolton”

The 6th Advancement in two years- with 3 more to come

Tuesday 1st October was the regular meeting of William Romaine Callander Lodge No. 136 at Bury Masonic Hall. The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Alex McLaren was in attendance as an honorary member of the Lodge although, on this occasion, he was accompanied by two acting officers of the year and the Provincial Assistant Director of

Adoniram 1065 – Double Advancement

You just knew things were all going to plan when the Senior Deacon pulled the drawer front off the ballot box. It wasn’t done intentionally but I think one of the balls got wedged in the box. Anyway, it was a double advancement ceremony for Adoniram Mark Lodge and nothing as simple as a broken ballot box was getting in the way.… Read more “Adoniram 1065 – Double Advancement”

Snow causes no problems for Rectitude 18 T.I.

The summons for the February meeting of Lodge of Rectitude of Mark Master Masons No 18 T.I. indicated there would be an advancement of a new candidate plus the Installation ceremony. Now that’s a lot of work in my eyes and probably a very long evening.