The Christie- Bloods Closer to Home

The Provincial Grand Master presents a cheque for £28,795 to The Christies Charitable Fund – Bloods Closer to Home On the 12th May 2022, the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro John Smith, accompanied by his wife Jane, also the Provincial Grand Almoner WBro Barry Heal and WBro Stewart Mills attended the premises of

MBF Annual Review 2021

The MBF Annual Review 2021 has been published and can be viewed or downloaded from the Mark Masons’ Hall website via this link

There are some amazing numbers in the report and its well worth a read through. You will be amazed at the support that is made by the fund and the monies that you as Mark Masons make on a regular basis.

MBF awarded its own leaf

When I visited Rossendale Hospice on behalf of the Province and the MBF, they had a Giving Tree on the wall in the entrance hall which consisted of a number of “leaves” detailing large donors to the hospice, pictured below. I was told that the MBF would be awarded its own leaf which it now has, and below is a picture of the said leaf for all to see.… Read more “MBF awarded its own leaf”

Oscar’s Happy Feet are Dancing to a New Tune!

This is Oscar Grainger and his family at the Masonic Hall in Paignton. R.W.Bro. Peter Balsom, Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire and his Executive, along with W.Bro. Darren Coleman-Heald, P.A.G.D.C., Charities Manager at Mark Masons’ Hall, were representing the Mark Benevolent Fund to present a cheque for £6,000, giving Oscar the final piece of …………read more