Quatuor Legati 1165 Installation

On Tuesday, 8th February at Bolton Masonic Hall Quatuor Legati Lodge of Mark Masons No 1165 held their installation meeting. In attendance was VWBro David H Thompson, APGM along with the Deputation of 7 acting officers from the Province.

The Worshipful Master, Bro Stewart Poulsom welcomed all the brethren in attendance a total of 26, including a visitor from the Isle Of Man, WBro Colin Thompson.… Read more “Quatuor Legati 1165 Installation”

Bolton Hospice receives £5000

It was nice to be greeted by Kathryn Willett, Corporate and Community Lead Fundraiser, for the Bolton Hospice, who introduced herself to VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO, APGM, WBro Trevor Thomas the Worshipful Master of FW Broadbent Lodge No 1132 and Stewart Poulsom the Worshipful Master of Quatuor Legati Lodge No 1165.… Read more “Bolton Hospice receives £5000”

Quatuor Legati Installation at Bolton

Tuesday the 11 February Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge 1265 held their Installation meeting at Bolton Masonic Hall
In attendance was W.Bro Gerald Noel Howard Young the Assistant Provincial Grand

Quattro Legati Lodge – Bolton Meeting

On Tuesday 8 October, Quattro Legati Lodge met at Bolton with 21 Mark Masons present including 6 visitors.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, VWBro John Tiler took the chair. The main business of the evening was an explanation of the Tracing Board by WBro David Entwistle, PGStdB which was outstanding in its

New faces at the Fellowship Dinner

Holiday Inn BoltonWord must be getting out that the Mark Degree Fellowship Dinner is a must-attend event. I saw many new faces there and by all accounts, they were having a good time. Its the third year at