17th Assembly of Mark Lodge Masters and Royal Ark Mariner Commanders Dinner

L1000246The Provincial Grand Master did say he would keep the toast list short and his speech to a very minimum, and true to his word he did. The toast to the Queen took place and he was on his feet for less than 5 mins, promoting the main theme of the evening, to enjoy ourselves and the

New faces at the Fellowship Dinner

Holiday Inn BoltonWord must be getting out that the Mark Degree Fellowship Dinner is a must-attend event. I saw many new faces there and by all accounts, they were having a good time. Its the third year at

Pictures from Mark Fellowship Dinner 2016

CAM_0956We had a great night at the Mark Fellowship dinner. With 170 guests it was a sellout. The venue was once again the Holiday Inn at Bolton with us dining in the Cloisters which is an old church formed as part of the hotel.

Latest pictures from Fellowship Dinner Bolton

Here are the last pictures from the Fellowship Dinner held at The CAM_4199.jpgHoliday Inn in Bolton. We had a great night as these pictures show.

Many thanks to John Barlow for his pictures.

Fabulous Fellowship Dinner

The Fellowship Dinner held on Saturday 21st November at the CAM_4197.jpgHoliday Inn at Bolton was a fabulous affair. The star of the event being the Cloisters venue room which was part of a 16th century church that had

Last call for Final tickets

music_cabaret_7Ticket sales are going well for the Fellowship Dinner at Last Drop Hotel in Bolton, don’t wait much longer to get yours. Final few tickets available from your local fellowship Rep.