North Wales hosts PGM weekend

800 x 600 P1020237The first weekend in September is always when the Northern Area PGM Ladies weekend is held. A tradition going back some twenty years now and is hosted by a different Province each year. This year it was North Wales with

Union Mark Lodge 171 – Charity Evening Huge Success

uppermill-masonic-hall-jpgThe Charity Evening hosted by Union Lodge of MMM No 171, at the Masonic Hall, Uppermill on Monday 21st October was a great success both in terms of the work carried out in Advancing Bro Dean Wheeler, in raising money for charity, but

Middleton Masonic Hall – Charity Dinner 2013

Charity Dinner Middleton 1The Charity Dinner was held at Middleton Masonic Hall on Saturday the 14th September, there were 104 guests dining and the event raised a tremendous sum in excess of £2,000.00 which will be donated to