Grand Lodge Visit

On Tuesday the 13 September, many East Lancashire Mark Masons had an early start meeting at Piccadilly train station at 8:30 am to catch the 9:12 Avanti train to Euston London. Thanks to W.Bro Malcolm Mcarthy for his efforts in the organisation on the day.… Read more “Grand Lodge Visit”

Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting

With an overall attendance of approximately 250 including Brethren from within the Province and visitors, this was the first full Provincial meeting for RWBro John H Smith, PGM, since his investiture on the 19th of October 2021.

The meeting was supported by representatives from eleven other Provinces, including

RAM annual investiture

Twenty one Brethren from the Province of East Lancashire travelled to London to attend the annual investiture for the holders of Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. Three of those investees included WBros Steven Boyle, Shaun Higson and Gerry Young.

Prior to the meeting, they all dined together at the Union Jack Club at a private dinner organised by WBro Malcolm McCarthy.… Read more “RAM annual investiture”

Grand Stewards Lodge – London

On Monday, 6th December, a number of Brethren from the Province travelled to London to attend the Installation meeting of the Mark Grand Stewards Lodge which is held at the Masonic Hall at St James’s.

There were in excess of 250 Brethren in attendance at the meeting with 150 dining afterwards, which included ten from East Lancashire.

Royal Ark Mariners receive Grand Patron status

On Friday 22nd November, Union Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners held their meeting at Rochdale Masonic Hall. On this occasion, the Lodge was honoured by the presence of