1014 RAM re-appoint Worshipful Commander

I don’t get the chance to write about RAM meetings that often, so here goes. Gawthorpe Lodge 1014 RAM which is attached to Gawthorpe Lodge of Mark Master Masons re-appointed its Worshipful Commander W.Bro Ken Lambshead RAMGR on Monday 18th December. The worship commander is

Adoniram and the Wardrobe Malfunction

It was a very pleasant and amicable Installation at Adoniram 1065 Mark Lodge. The APGM W.Bro Tony Davies and a delegation arrived early to get a  quick practice in and to see the layout of the lodge. Almost immediately we were welcomed with open arms and

Temperance No. 56 receives PGM visit.

Temperance Lodge Installation Todmorden (5)It’s always a special evening whenever the Provincial Grand Master visits the Lodge, He brings along an atmosphere of leadership and importance to the occasion. This is how the members of Temperance Mark Lodge must feel at almost every Mark meeting they hold, seeing as

Rugby Football 1965 style – Provincial Fixture

Combine a love of Rugby Football and Mark Master Masonry and what do you get?
An absolutely terrific night out at Rochdale Masonic Hall to attend the Installation of the Rugby Football Lodge No 1965. It was also the

Darwen Mark 1327 – Installation

The PGM, RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren receiving cheques from the newly installed WM, WBro Edwin Schofield.The Installation Meeting of The Darwen Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1327 took place on Monday, 19th October 2015 at Darwen Masonic Hall. The Lodge was honoured by the presence of the
Provincial Grand