Royal Ark Mariners No 1010 hold Installation meeting at Westholme

Rose of York Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, No 1010 held their Installation meeting at Westholme, Mossley on Friday 13th December. There were 10 brethren present including WBro. Gerry Young, APGM, ProvRAMGR and WBro. Michael Porter, RAMGR, ProvGDC. The Lodge was

Goulburn Lodge and the Old Bill

The regular meeting of Goulburn Lodge No 680 was held at the Old Bill restaurant in Oldham. The Provincial Grand Master and a Provincial Deputation of 9 were in attendance.

This being the Installation meeting, the Master Elect, WBro. Martin Roche, PAGSwdB was duly presented and installed into the chair by the Worshipful Master, WBro.… Read more “Goulburn Lodge and the Old Bill”

wet and windy night in Accrington

On a wet and windy night in Accrington, Adoniram Mark Lodge met for their Installation.

Unfortunately, the Master Elect, Bro Allan Williams has been diagnosed with a serious problem and was unable to take the chair. The brethren of Adoniram and indeed, all the Province wish him well for a

Wycoller Mark Installation – why the heck not go back in the chair

I always feel that once you have been through the chair of any lodge and installed your successor; there is a big gap to fill. You tend to have learned lots of rituals and become very familiar with the ceremonial duties of the lodge, its officers and your own position of

Cheese & Onion, Black & White, Morecambe & Wise.

All combinations that sit comfortably on the tongue, eye and in the memory. 

The Rugby Football Lodge of Mark Master Masons held its latest meeting and installation ceremony on Thursday the 30th May at Rochdale Masonic Hall. The combination of Rugby Football and Mark Masonry is not as immediately recognisable as the above but somehow it works, and it works really well.… Read more “Cheese & Onion, Black & White, Morecambe & Wise.”

Special Evening at Starkie 159 Installation

CAM_7596Starkie Mark 159 held a rather special Installation meeting on the 15th February at their regular home in Accrington Masonic Hall. Special in such a way as the Provincial Grand Master was in attendance along with half a dozen acting