Grand Lodge Visit

On Tuesday the 13 September, many East Lancashire Mark Masons had an early start meeting at Piccadilly train station at 8:30 am to catch the 9:12 Avanti train to Euston London. Thanks to W.Bro Malcolm Mcarthy for his efforts in the organisation on the day.… Read more “Grand Lodge Visit”

Weather was very kind

Sunday, 26th June at Middleton Masonic Hall, the East Lancashire Mark Fellowship held their annual BBQ day. The weather was very kind to all those who attended this great event. With a total attendance of over 75, including Mark Masons, their partners and non-masons in attendance, including RWBro John Hartley Smith, PGM and his wife Jane.… Read more “Weather was very kind”

Mark Lodge 990 -Formed 1943

The East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of Mark Masters No 990 held their half-yearly meeting at Manchester Masonic Hall on Tuesday 26 April. It was a great turnout for this very prestigious lodge. In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith along with the three executives.… Read more “Mark Lodge 990 -Formed 1943”

The Christie- Bloods Closer to Home

The Provincial Grand Master presents a cheque for £28,795 to The Christies Charitable Fund – Bloods Closer to Home On the 12th May 2022, the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro John Smith, accompanied by his wife Jane, also the Provincial Grand Almoner WBro Barry Heal and WBro Stewart Mills attended the premises of