Installation of VWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren

East Lancashire Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons EmblemMembers of the Province will shortly receive the Summons for  The Installation of  VWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren, PGM Designate, which will take place at the King Georges Hall, Blackburn at 11 am on Thursday the 24th September.  

The Trip to Grand Lodge

PiccadillyFor the trip to Grand Lodge on the 9th June we had  our largest contingent yet, 108 East Lancs Mark Masons made the trip down to London . Tuesday We set off from Piccadilly on the 0855 hrs  train to

The New Provincial Executive

Our Provincial Grand Master Designate, VWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren will be installed at Kings George’s Hall, Blackburn on Thursday the 24th September by The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master RichardVictor Wallis, JP supported by Officers from Grand Lodge. 

Provincial Grand Master Announces Retirement

PGMRWBro Keith P Schofield GMRAC, Provincial Grand Master will retire at Midnight on Wednesday 23rd September 2015. During his address at the Provincial Meeting on Wednesday 27th May he said: “At my investiture in November 2003 in