When in Shropshire look for the Mark Brew

When in Shropshire look for the Mark Brew – A.P.G.M. Gerry Young showing the way and supporting the 2021 Festival- YOU can too!”

As Gerry Young takes delivery of Mark Brew from Colin on a bright and sunny brew day and takes his beer supply back to his relatively Covid free haven in Shropshire with his dear artist wife, Annette( NB: painter of those beautiful 2021 Calendars – for you all to buy!).… Read more “When in Shropshire look for the Mark Brew”

William Romaine Callender Holds first Zoom meeting

On Tuesday 6th October William Romaine Callender 136 held its first zoom meeting. In attendance was RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren, PGM along with 13 members. The meeting was opened up at 7-30 sharp by the Worshipful Master W.Bro Raymond Short. The agenda was

The Mark Brew – A last Hurrah

A special brew for the 03 July 2021 Banquet
Your chance to receive this outstanding beer delivered directly into the comfort of your favourite armchair. Or thereabout.

STILL ONLY £40 donation to the Festival 2021 for 12 bottles

A tasty traditional ale brewed with care at Wincle Brewery.… Read more “The Mark Brew – A last Hurrah”

Festival Calendars for 2021 Have Now Arrived

A message from our APGM Gerry Young,

Brethren, I am pleased to confirm that the first copies of our Provincial Souvenir Festival Calendar for 2021 are now in stock and you are invited to place a priority order before the Calendars go on sale countrywide in

Roberts TI – sesquicentennial celebrated in style

The Roberts T.I. Mark Lodge which meets at Rochdale Masonic Hall reached 150 years of continuous lodge meetings on Thursday 12th March and their sesquicentennial was celebrated in fine style.
In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Bro. Alexander Sillars McLaren along with