Wike Mark 142 – Whats it all about?

Wednesday 10th April was the regular meeting of Wike Mark Lodge no 142 and the Lodge took the opportunity of inviting a number of non-Mark Masons with the purpose of explaining to them what the Mark Degree is all about and why we all enjoy it so

St Andrews Mark Lodge No 34 – 150th Celebration Meeting

St Andrews 34 Mark Token

On Tuesday 19th March, 22 Acting Provincial Officers of the year accompanied the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren together with his Deputy PGM VWBro John Hartley Smith and Assistant PGMs WBro Gerald Noel Howard Young and VWBro David Hedley Thompson to the

GF Nuttal 1405 – Patron Honorific not far away.

George Farnworth Nuttall Mark Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1405 were very pleased to hear they had almost achieved Patron Status in their 2021 Festival efforts. 

The latest meeting of GF Nuttall on the

17th Assembly of Mark Lodge Masters and Royal Ark Mariner Commanders Dinner

L1000246The Provincial Grand Master did say he would keep the toast list short and his speech to a very minimum, and true to his word he did. The toast to the Queen took place and he was on his feet for less than 5 mins, promoting the main theme of the evening, to enjoy ourselves and the

Grand Mark Lodge

Early last Tuesday morning, a contingent of East Lancs Mark Masons set off on the annual trip to Grand Mark Lodge in support of the Brethren receiving promotions – WBro Barry Heal to Deputy Grand Swordbearer, WBro David Rainsbury to Grand Steward, WBro Duncan Ferguson to

Amazing 50th Celebration for W.Bro Ken Lord – Keep 911

Ken Lord Mark 50th Keep LodgeBack in 1967 when the Earth was still deemed to be flat, and Ken Lord had been a Craft Mason for several years already, the spark of an idea to join The Mark degree was muted.  Racing driver and motorboat racer Donald Campbell was killed in a crash on