Bro. Galvin educates at Fabric 939

Fabric Mark (7)Probably the final Provincial Deputation visit of 2017 took place at Fabric Mark Lodge on Tuesday 19th December. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master John Smith along with 8 provincial officers of the year enjoyed the friendly meeting at Rochdale Masonic Hall. The weather was a bit poor and

The Mark Internet Lodge No.1975

The idea for the Mark Internet Lodge came from several Welsh members of the Craft Internet Lodge 9659, who got great support from their PGM in Monmouthshire. This led to the Consecration of the Lodge in Mark Masons Hall in

Middleton Hog, well and truly roasted.

L1060004From the looks of things, the Middleton Hog was indeed well and truly roasted. The weather did its thing and kept clear for most of the day and no shelter was required. The organising team did a great job of pulling the day together and attracting a goodly number of visitors to the

Grand Mark Lodge – Appointments and Promotions

Congratulations to all of our Brethren pictured above who made the trip to London on Tuesday! Also to WBro Philip Conn PGJO and Ian Ronson PGJD who were unable to join us on the day.