1st East Lancashire Mark Zoom Open Meeting

The first of a series of six Virtual Open Meetings was opened by RWBro Alex McLaren, Provincial Grand Master, at 6:30 p.m. on Monday 1st February 2021 for Mark and RAM Lodges in the North East area of the Province. Attending by Zoom Video Link were brethren from

A team effort in Bolton

On Wednesday 20th November St Johns TI and F W Broadbent Mark Lodges met on the same night with a view to supporting each other’s meetings.

FWB led they way opening at 6.20 pm with the Immediate Past Master, W.Bro. John Green in the chair.… Read more “A team effort in Bolton”

Mossley RAM 1381

IMG-20150305-00004Thursday the 5th of March 2015 the Mossley RAM 1381 meeting saw fourteen members and two visitors enjoy a very interesting paper of Masonic interest. Delivered with good humour by the Worshipful Commander.

Provincial Meeting 2015

King Georges Hall Craft Interior ViewThe Provincial Meeting will be held at 15:00pm on Wednesday 27th May 2015 at the King George Halls in Blackburn Town Hall. This is an excellent venue and greatly admired by the craft. I’m sure our distinguished