Fellowship Fun Day 23rd August

family-fun-day-logoThe Fellowship team have once again arranged the family fun day at Middleton Masonic Hall. Its on the 23rd August 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm and a fun filled day is guaranteed. Bring along the family and anyone else

Middleton RAM 1303 Installation

RAM Triangle 150 x 136A Provincial Deputation of 28 Brethren, led by the PGM, RWBro Keith Partington Schofield GMRAC attended the Installation of Bro Keith Turner as

Secretarius Lodge No.1932

PGM5 (1)The 6th meeting of Secretarius Lodge 1932 took place on Friday last, 21st November at Middleton Masonic Hall.

The Brethren of the Lodge and numerous distinguished guests, accompanied by their Ladies, enjoyed

2014 Festival Banquet

Charity Banquet 2014 at Middleton Masonic HallThe 2014 Festival Banquet was held at Middleton Masonic Hall on Saturday, 13th September. The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Keith Schofield and Debra were in attendance along with 106 brethren and their