Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting

With an overall attendance of approximately 250 including Brethren from within the Province and visitors, this was the first full Provincial meeting for RWBro John H Smith, PGM, since his investiture on the 19th of October 2021.

The meeting was supported by representatives from eleven other Provinces, including

RAM Provincial Grand Rank

Monday, 31st January at Manchester Hall, East Lancashire Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No 990 held their installation meeting with 56 brethren in attendance including WBro David Rainford, DepPGM.

The meeting opened at 6:35 by the Commander WBro J Michael Green, RAMGR.… Read more “RAM Provincial Grand Rank”

Zoom – Annual Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting.

Annual Meeting 26th May 2021. The Virtual Business Meeting was declared open at 19:00 by the Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Alex McLaren .
After the traditional tributes to 23 departed Brethren, called to higher service since May 2020, the Provincial Grand Master welcomed 106 brethren from the Province of East Lancashire and a further

15th June 1870 the Mark Province of Lancashire was created

This booklet details how on 15th June 1870 the Mark Province of Lancashire was created, but under the Scottish Constitution, not the English Constitution. It was only later due to the efforts of MWBro Rev Portal, the Grand Master, who recognised that verbal threats would not be enough to counter the threat, responded by constituting its ninth English Constitution Mark Province on the 18th October 1870 being that of