Festival Calendars for 2021 Have Now Arrived

A message from our APGM Gerry Young,

Brethren, I am pleased to confirm that the first copies of our Provincial Souvenir Festival Calendar for 2021 are now in stock and you are invited to place a priority order before the Calendars go on sale countrywide in

Festival thoughts and update

Brethren, we are in the midst of a dreadful and dangerous pandemic which has affected all of our lives in some way and has curtailed our Masonic activities.

As we move towards the final year of our MBF Festival, it necessarily follows that our fundraising activities are frustrated by the Coronavirus.… Read more “Festival thoughts and update”

Regalia Sales now £30000 !

It’s now 4 years since I launched this initiative by selling off the old Craft 2015 Festival Ties, the original idea was to raise a couple of hundred quid for

Scarlett with Gawthorpe Mark 1014 –

The members of Scarlet with Gawthorpe immediately wondered what was happening as soon as the Mark Provincial Deputation turned up at Burnley Masonic Hall. Not to get too carried away with things as there was only 4 in attendance, and that included the Assistant Provincial Grand