2019/20 Early season reflections

As we embark upon a new Masonic Season, you will realise that we have only 20 months left until our MBF Festival concludes. Our total funds raised are creeping steadily upwards but now is the time that we must all try our very best to ensure that we raise a total which is worthy of our great Province.… Read more “2019/20 Early season reflections”

Your loose change Brethren.

For your change: The Mark Benevolent Fund is issuing the Province with a number of boxes for each Lodge and each Masonic Centre. If you have any loose change and feel disposed to put it in the box, it will be thankfully received and will contribute to our 2021 Festival.… Read more “Your loose change Brethren.”

St Andrews Mark Lodge No 34 – 150th Celebration Meeting

St Andrews 34 Mark Token

On Tuesday 19th March, 22 Acting Provincial Officers of the year accompanied the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren together with his Deputy PGM VWBro John Hartley Smith and Assistant PGMs WBro Gerald Noel Howard Young and VWBro David Hedley Thompson to the

Adoniram 1065 – few but generous Mark Masons.

WM Keith Proctor meets APGM VWBro. David Hedley ThompsonApologies seemed to go on for quite a while as 10 members names were read out as not being able to attend the lodge meeting. It seemed a lot yet the Lodge room felt pleasantly occupied. The March Meeting of Adoniram Mark Lodge 1065 was planned as a lecture which included a visit by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master VWBro David Hedley Thompson accompanied by