£500 to Art 4 All Charity

WBro David Lightbown presented a cheque for £500 on behalf of Keep RAM lodge No 911 to the “Ribble valley Art 4 All “ Charity.
The Charity meets for two sessions every Friday in the Clitheroe Salvation Army Rooms between September and June Annually and provides free Art and other creative sessions for all within the local community
The charity was started by Mrs Frankie Freeman in 2018 and has grown to such an extent that there are

Keep – Celebrate Time

After a two year wait, Keep Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 911 was finally able to celebrate 50 years of Royal Ark Mariner Masonry at Clitheroe. The summons packed a punch not only celebrating their 50th but also including a talk entitledthe “Jewel in the Crown”, our East Lancs Benevolent fund.… Read more “Keep – Celebrate Time”

Mossley RAM Elevation

On a wet and miserable evening Mossley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1381 held their meeting at Westholme, Mossley, with 17 Mariners present including 2 visitors, the Lodge set sail at 6:40.

The Worshipful Commander, WBro Barry Rhodes, RAMGR, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them all for attending.… Read more “Mossley RAM Elevation”

A great night for some new and old faces

Skelmersdale RAM docked on Tuesday the 15th of February at 6 pm sharp. With the aim of electing a new Commander. W Bro Graham Jones drew the short straw for which he thanked all present.

The meeting was swiftly followed by Skelmersdale Mark, to once again proclaim W Bro Bob Summers as the

RAM Provincial Grand Rank

Monday, 31st January at Manchester Hall, East Lancashire Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No 990 held their installation meeting with 56 brethren in attendance including WBro David Rainford, DepPGM.

The meeting opened at 6:35 by the Commander WBro J Michael Green, RAMGR.… Read more “RAM Provincial Grand Rank”

RAM annual investiture

Twenty one Brethren from the Province of East Lancashire travelled to London to attend the annual investiture for the holders of Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. Three of those investees included WBros Steven Boyle, Shaun Higson and Gerry Young.

Prior to the meeting, they all dined together at the Union Jack Club at a private dinner organised by WBro Malcolm McCarthy.… Read more “RAM annual investiture”