Rose of York RAM 1010

TEP with PSOn Friday 5th December, the coldest day of the winter so far, Rose of York Royal Ark Mariner Lodge held their Installation meeting. The warmth of welcome to WBro Trevor Parvin, Provincial Grand Secretary, the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master however made it seem

Gawthorpe RAM installs new Commander

RW Bro Keith Schofield W.C. Peter ChristieGawthorpe Royal Ark Mariner Lodge 1014; which is attached to Gawthorpe Lodge of Mark Master Masons installed its new Worshipful Commander Bro Peter Christie on Monday 1st December. The new worship commander is a popular and experienced

Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Investiture

RAM4The annual Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Investiture was held under the banner of East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge No. 990 on

Lathom RAM

On Tuesday 2nd September the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Alex McLaren, RAMGR, visited Lathom RAM at Bury Masonic Hall. The main item on the Summons was the Elevation of Bro

57 Journey to Royal Ark Mariner Assembly, London

ram-assembly-01-800-x-600The Provincial Grand Master was accompanied by fifty seven East Lancashire Royal Ark Mariners for the Grand Lodge Meeting in London on Tuesday the 10th December.

Fifty Brethren