Springhill receive £5000


The £5000 donation, which is part of a Major Capital Grant of £1.25m to over 250 hospices in England, Wales, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, recognises the contribution made by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh to the service of the Crown and the life of the nation.

Roberts TI – sesquicentennial celebrated in style

The Roberts T.I. Mark Lodge which meets at Rochdale Masonic Hall reached 150 years of continuous lodge meetings on Thursday 12th March and their sesquicentennial was celebrated in fine style.
In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Bro. Alexander Sillars McLaren along with

Royal Ark Mariners receive Grand Patron status

On Friday 22nd November, Union Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners held their meeting at Rochdale Masonic Hall. On this occasion, the Lodge was honoured by the presence of

990 RAM – Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank Investiture

Monday 30th September and over 80 Royal Ark Mariners arrived at Rochdale Masonic Hall for the mid-meeting of the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners no. 990. The main business of the evening was the Investiture of

Cheese & Onion, Black & White, Morecambe & Wise.

All combinations that sit comfortably on the tongue, eye and in the memory. 

The Rugby Football Lodge of Mark Master Masons held its latest meeting and installation ceremony on Thursday the 30th May at Rochdale Masonic Hall. The combination of Rugby Football and Mark Masonry is not as immediately recognisable as the above but somehow it works, and it works really well.… Read more “Cheese & Onion, Black & White, Morecambe & Wise.”