Customary whistle and yellow cards in evidence

Rugby Football Mark Lodge No. 1965 met at Rochdale Masonic Hall on 30th January. The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Alex McLaren was in attendance.

After the usual administrative items,

Cheese & Onion, Black & White, Morecambe & Wise.

All combinations that sit comfortably on the tongue, eye and in the memory. 

The Rugby Football Lodge of Mark Master Masons held its latest meeting and installation ceremony on Thursday the 30th May at Rochdale Masonic Hall. The combination of Rugby Football and Mark Masonry is not as immediately recognisable as the above but somehow it works, and it works really well.… Read more “Cheese & Onion, Black & White, Morecambe & Wise.”

Rugby Football 1965 style – Provincial Fixture

Combine a love of Rugby Football and Mark Master Masonry and what do you get?
An absolutely terrific night out at Rochdale Masonic Hall to attend the Installation of the Rugby Football Lodge No 1965. It was also the

1965 Rugby Lodge Consecrated

rugby mark lodge 1965.jpgFor brethren the consecration of a new Mark Lodge is a very rare but exciting event indeed. Over 100 brethren attended the consecrations of the new Rugby Lodge number 1965 in East Lancashire on the 30th April at Rochdale Masonic