Maintaining their independence

On the 15th March, at Hemsley House, Salford, St Andrew’s Mark Lodge No 34 held their installation meeting. In attendance was VWBro David H Thompson, APGM, and WBro Kevin M Reaney, APGM along with Provincial DC, WBro Wes Merchant, with a further 22 brethren from various Mark Lodge’s.… Read more “Maintaining their independence”

Daytime Lodge in Manchester

Union Mark Lodge No 32 of Mark Masons held their daytime Lodge meeting at Manchester Hall on Wednesday, 8th March. The Lodge was opened at 11:15 by the Worshipful Master, Bro Allan Potter, PProvAGStB, who welcomed WBro Kevin M Reaney, APGM and 12 brethren including 4 visitors to the meeting.… Read more “Daytime Lodge in Manchester”

Ronald Eadie – 50 Years in Mark Masonry!

On the 12th May, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Alex McLaren attended Quatuor Legati Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1165 to celebrate 50 years in Mark Masonry with WBro Ronald Anderson Eadie. The Deputy

Union Mark 32 – Jim Noble’s 60th

Union Mark 32The PGM RWBro Keith Partington Schofield GMRAC, accompanied by a delegation of 28 members of Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the 60th Anniversary celebrations for WBro James Noble PProvGSW at Union Lodge of Mark Master

Union Mark Lodge No. 32 Installation

Monday the 16th February 2015 saw W. Bro. Jim Noble, P.Prov.G.S.W. installed into the chair of Union Mark No.32 for the third time, the previous occasions being 1993 and 1998.

This installation is particularly

Union 171 – the finest soup in all Christendom

uppermill-masonic-hall-jpgAn enjoyable evening was had by all on Monday night in wild and windy Uppermill for the Advancement Ceremony of Bro.Roy Tindall.
The WM, WBro Ian Wolstencroft ably assisted by the Officers of Union Lodge 171, performed the