Fabric Mark Installation

rochdale-masonic-hall-jpgOn Tuesday the 21st October, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Alex Mclaren, presided at the Installation Meeting of Fabric Mark Lodge. He was accompanied by WBro Simon Archer, PGStwd, the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.
There were over 30 Brethren present including a current Grand Steward, WBro Malcolm McCarthy and most of the Grand Officers from Roberts Mark Lodge.
The Installing Master, WBro Graham Rawlinson, assisted by the Officers of the Lodge, Installed Bro Stephen Whitelegg in the Chair.  All but one of the Officers invested from Senior Warden to Junior Deacon have not been through the chair yet so the future looks bright for Fabric Lodge.

The normal, happy Festive Board at Rochdale was enjoyed by all and the Brethren were on their way home just after 10pm

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