Temperance Mark Lodge No.56 and Jamie Beninson – Provincial Grand Charity Steward

One of the great things about being on the Provincial Deputation is visiting new places or ones you haven’t been to for a while and then realising what a beautiful part of the world we actually live in. Such a place is Todmorden, where last night a 34 strong Deputation visited Temperance Mark 56. “Tod” is a town which doesn’t know whether it’s in Lancashire or Yorkshire, but a lovely old town with bags of character.

One of the other great things about the Deputation is the new people you meet and I haven’t known him long, but Provincial Grand Charity Steward Jamie Beninson is the reason for our visit to his Lodge. This was the final “Full” Deputation of the 2016/17 season prior to the Provincial Meeting (each year the PGM makes such visits to the mother Lodges of his Wardens and Charity Steward).

The PGM, RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren with the Provincial Grand Charity Steward WBro Jamie Beninson - both members of Temperance Mark Lodge No.56.
The PGM, RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren with the Provincial Grand Charity Steward WBro Jamie Beninson – both members of Temperance Mark Lodge No.56.

Temperance 56 is also the Mother Lodge ofur PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren into which he processed with the Deputation following the opening of the Lodge. As this was a short business meeting only, after introducing the Provincial Team the PGM thanked them all profusely for the support the Acting Officers had given to not only him but his Deputy and Assistant PGMs throughout the year on their numerous visits. He also made a point of congratulating WBro Beninson for all his efforts and the enthusiasm he had shown in his role as ProvGChStwd.

WBro Beninson is an expert at extracting money from Brethren as he went on to prove at the subsequent Social Board – “Simply fold your donations before you put them in the envelopes before you” etc. But this formula has worked at the various events he has organised during his year – a Sportsmans Evening which raised over £5500, a Race Night which raised over £700 and the latest the Comedy Night (see previous website post) which raised over £3100….and he’s still got a month to go he reminds us.

Not for Jamie is wandering around with a book of raffle tickets, oh no sirree ! Last night he was more of a game show host entertaining us with a mixture of Play Your Cards Right, Wheel of Fortune and Open The Box, morphing from Nicholas Parsons (Tonight ! Live from Todmorden – COME ON DOWN!) to Jim Bowen (Here’s what you COULD have won!) as a succession of “winners” returned sullenly to their seats empty handed. (must remember that one Jamie – Open The Box where NONE of the keys fit). Never mind he assured us, all these prizes will go to his next event. (I’m sure some of these prizes have been around for years – I noticed an original price sticker on one of the bottles of whisky – 19s 11d). But of course I jest – there were plenty of prizes to be had in the subsequent raffle which raised £565 !

In conclusion, a fantastic evening in a great venue at one of the Provinces oldest Lodges. But later, when you get home and look in your empty wallet your first thought is my god, I’ve been mugged ! But then you smile and think “Jamie”.

Garry Errock.

2 thoughts on “Temperance Mark Lodge No.56 and Jamie Beninson – Provincial Grand Charity Steward

  1. Mike Shaw Reply

    Temperance mark
    Well done Jamie, once again like Dave says you took our money without us realising it, superb evening at Temperance Mark in Todmorden, highly entertaining even won a prize !! Interesting to see what your final total in May will be.
    Mike Shaw.

  2. David Kelly Reply

    What a fantastic achievement Jamie. Nice to donate without thinking you have spent any money. Just had fun all year following the Charity Steward around. Lets all get behind next years Charity Steward and keep this good work going.
    East Lancashire Mark Benevolent Fund needs our support

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