The 6th Advancement in two years- with 3 more to come

Tuesday 1st October was the regular meeting of William Romaine Callander Lodge No. 136 at Bury Masonic Hall. The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Alex McLaren was in attendance as an honorary member of the Lodge although, on this occasion, he was accompanied by two acting officers of the year and the Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies, WBro Stephen Lord.

The business of the evening was the advancement of Bro Bowden, the ceremony being worked by the WM, WBro Stewart Mills, Bro Robert Ashton and WBro Ray Sullivan. This was the sixth advancement in the Lodge in the last two years and there are three more candidates in the pipeline. Who says it is difficult to find candidates?

A very happy social board followed the meeting to round off another successful night of Mark Masonry.

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