1272 – The Mark Brew

glass-of-beerIf you like a nice glass of bitter, and who doesn’t, I’ve a secret I must share with you.
It’s only £3.50 a bottle, The Mark Brew from 1272. Buy a case and it comes even cheaper,
Just 35 quid to you. So ring Colin today and your beer’s on its way. The Mark Brew from 1272

Provincial Grand Charity Steward Colin Bodimeade
Provincial Grand Charity Steward Colin Bodimeade

WBro. Colin Bodimeade ProvGStwd, a fellow Member of the East Lancashire Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No.1272, is trying to raise £1000 for the 2021 Festival via the sale of The Mark Brew, a tasty little ale .

He needs to sell another 10 cases to achieve this target – they are £35.00 for a case of 12 bottles, a bargain to all beer-drinkers!!

You can contact Colin directly – (ucolbodmmm@bodimeade.me.uk – telephone : 01260 280 288)

Payment will be to Colin on delivery.

WBro Colin Bodimeade PProvGStwd
WBro Colin Bodimeade PProvGStwd

Summer is approaching, so dust off your barbecue and order your beer.

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