If you like a nice glass of bitter, and who doesn’t, I’ve a secret I must share with you.
It’s only £3.50 a bottle, The Mark Brew from 1272. Buy a case and it comes even cheaper,
Just 35 quid to you. So ring Colin today and your beer’s on its way. The Mark Brew from 1272

WBro. Colin Bodimeade ProvGStwd, a fellow Member of the East Lancashire Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No.1272, is trying to raise £1000 for the 2021 Festival via the sale of The Mark Brew, a tasty little ale .
He needs to sell another 10 cases to achieve this target – they are £35.00 for a case of 12 bottles, a bargain to all beer-drinkers!!
You can contact Colin directly – (ucolbodmmm@bodimeade.me.uk – telephone : 01260 280 288)
Payment will be to Colin on delivery.

Summer is approaching, so dust off your barbecue and order your beer.