The idea for the Mark Internet Lodge came from several Welsh members of the Craft Internet Lodge 9659, who got great support from their PGM in Monmouthshire. This led to the Consecration of the Lodge in Mark Masons Hall in London on the 4th June 2016.
The Consecration was conducted by RWBro Derek Thomas the PGM of Monmouthshire, assisted by three other PGMs. Nearly all the 36
Founders were there. Some of those who were not had the excuse of living on the other side of the world, such as Brazil! Sadly there was only one founder member present from East Lancs Province! We also had a good number of Joiners that swelled our membership to 49 on the day. “It is the aim of the Lodge to promote the wider use of all means of electronic communications within the Mark Internet Lodge 1975 and to promote an appropriate structure for means of electronic communications in Mark Masonry. The Lodge will meet twice a year to receive lectures, papers and presentations by keynote speakers. These meetings will be held by dispensation in different locations to allow the members of the Lodge to physically meet and build the Lodge spiritually and fraternally. Meetings may be held under different constitutions to allow this. One additional meeting per year may be added and may involve a meeting in a different region to promote the Order. We shall strive, wherever possible to advance brethren into the Order should they be suitably qualified.” The first working meeting of the Lodge was held in Monmouth last November when 5
candidates, all from Romania, were advanced into Mark Masonry.This modest start sparked considerable interest in Romania and with approval from Mark Grand Lodge here and the Grand Master of Romania, that in July 2017, Mark Masons from the Mark Internet Lodge and the Monmouthshire Mark Provincial team, many accompanied by their partners, travelled across Europe to Romania. On Tuesday 11th of July the UK members converged on the meeting place of a Romanian craft lodge and set to work. A Mark lodge was set up and a rehearsal was held.
This modest start sparked considerable interest in Romania and with approval from Mark Grand Lodge here and the Grand Master of Romania, that in July 2017, Mark Masons from the Mark Internet Lodge and the Monmouthshire Mark Provincial team, many accompanied by their partners, travelled across Europe to Romania. On Tuesday 11th of July the UK members converged on the meeting place of a Romanian craft lodge and set to work. A Mark lodge was set up and a rehearsal was held.
There was a power cut and with the air con failing, the temperature within the meeting room rose to 37 degrees.The PGM decreed shirt sleeve order. Then, in a ceremony led by WBro Roy Morris thirty Romanian Brethren were advanced in a historic ceremony. (The Master Overseer was excellent, being from Wike Lodge!)
The following day, power restored, the second cohort of 32 was advanced in style by a Provincial team led by R.W Brother Derek Thomas, PGM of Monmouthshire. As well as his own officers, he was assisted by RW Bro Mike Whelan, PGM of Dorset and W.Bro Richard Paisley ProvGChStwd of Dorset.
Masonically, the week was a momentous occasion, but the story does not end there. Plans are now being made to advance up to one hundred new brethren in Romania, even to consecrating Romanian Lodges!! There is no Mark Masonry in Romania currently but there is tremendous interest in creating some.
Our next meeting will be the installation in Monmouth in November and then another visit to Romania later that month to advance another 60 or more candidates. The consecration of a lodge in Romania will follow either then or in 2018. As any Lodge Secretary will know, such plans involve a tremendous amount of preparation and paperwork!