
The Mark Province of East Lancashire celebrated its centenary in 2010 having come into being on the 6th September 1910.

Grand Mark Lodge decided to create Provincial Grand Lodges to assist lodges with local administration and advice, and The Province of Lancashire was formed in 1871 and then further split into East and West Divisions in 1910.

Today we have a membership of over 1700 members attending 53 Mark Lodges and 33 Royal Ark Mariner Lodges under the East Lancashire banner, with every Masonic Hall in the Province having at least one Mark Lodge. Meetings usually taking place between 2-4 times a year.

The Province stretches from the Cumbrian and Yorkshire borders in the North and East, along the route of the A6 trunk road in the West to the Cheshire border in the South, which is the same area covered by the Craft Province.

The Provincial Grand Master, his Deputy and two Assistants administer the Province and maintain a close contact with the membership by visiting Lodges for Installations, personal milestones and pastoral visits. They are also accompanied to these events by a deputation formed from Provincial Officers of the Year.

The highlight of the Provincial Year is the Annual Meeting where Provincial Appointments and Promotions are made. All these are awarded on merit and consideration is given to Brethren three years after their installation into the chair.