Three advancements to complete.

What a great start to the year for William Romaine Calendar Mark Lodge No 136 with three advancements to complete this season.

In attendance were 17 members and 1 guest. The lodge was opened at 6:10 by the Worshipful Master Bro Arthur Woodall who was proclaimed for the ensuing year who then proceeded to invest his officers.

In attendance, on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master was WBro Phillip Price, PGStB, who was welcomed into the Lodge.

Onto the advancement of Bro James Craig Hindle the DC of Egerton lodge. The ceremony was conducted by the WM and various members of W R C in fine style. Seventeen Brethren sat down at the social board to a 3-course meal provided by Fine Dine. The room was buzzing with laughter and banter from the start to the finish.

The raffle was indeed a Star fiddle conducted by WBro TS Mills which raised a fine sum of £108 to good causes.

One thought on “Three advancements to complete.

  1. Steve Lord Reply

    That good night.

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