First of all, a great big THANK YOU ! to all who have so far donated their old Craft 2015 ties etc.
Over 50 items have now been sold on ebay and over £300 (including Gift Aid) has been raised for the Festival.
Yesterday I was at the Craft Provincial Meeting at Blackburn amongst almost 1000 Brethren, most of whom were proudly sporting the new Provincial Tie.
This means there are at least 1000 old ties out there which will never again see the light of day and will now lie consigned to a life in a wardrobe or drawer.
As soon as they go on ebay, they’re selling out within a few days and I know I can sell as many as I get.
So please help me by speaking to all your Craft friends at your next meeting and asking them to donate a tie, bow-tie or hanky to our Festival (Remember, we as a Province donated £25000 to the Craft Festival !) and get those ties to me at Salford as soon as you can (or ring or email me and I’ll arrange collection).
Thanks once again and have a great weekend !
Regards, Garry.
WBro Garry Errock PProvGMO
Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary, Events, Press and Publicity.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of East Lancashire
Hemsley House, 41 Crescent, Salford M5 4PE
Tel: 0161 745 9787 – Mobile: 07940 879476
Website: www.eastlancsmark.com
WBro Garry Errock PPGMO ProvAGSec 24th November 2015
Hi Thomas, first of all thanks for the tie etc – please encourage all Masonic friends to do the same !
Re the bike ride, can you send me further details e.g. route, dates, maps, pics etc perhaps together with a sponsorship form and I’ll publish on the website.
emailme at: provagsec2@eastlancsmark.org
thomas stewart mills 22nd November 2015
hello. im a keen road cyclist. i would like to put together a charity ride in April 2016.the ride will be coast to coast. over 4/5 days. i would ask you. if possible to ask any mark/ram mason if they could show any interest in this charity ride. the moneys raised will be towards the mark 2021 festival.
Thomas William Pearson 20th November 2015
Tie Collection and Sale, what a brilliant idea ! I had stuck my tie,hankie and bow tie in the loft but after an appeal by my Mark Lodge Secretary tonight I will pass them over for sale at our Lodge Installation Meeting on Tuesday.