Ties/Regalia etc – an update – £2200 !

TIEWell, this could be the last tie, this could be the last tie, may be the last tie, I don’t know…


Yes folks, the final tie I have has today sold to a buyer in West Sussex.

It’s now almost 12 months since we started selling Craft Festival Ties, Bow-Ties and Hankies along with other items such as jewels, collars, aprons and sashes – a grand total of 700 items have now been sold which has raised to date £2200 (incl.Gift Aid) for the Mark 2021 Festival.

Apart from sales to all corners of the British Isles, your unwanted items have also sold in Aruba (it’s in the Caribbean apparently), Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Spain, USA and even Yorkshire !

A MASSIVE THANK YOU to each and every one of you who’s sent me something to sell !!!

I do intend to continue with this initiative for the remainder of the Festival, so if anyone has any unwanted Ties, Jewels, Aprons, Collars, Sashes etc, – ANY Degree or Order – ANY condition, I would be more than happy to sell them for the Festival (thanks to Keith at Wycoller and Pete at Semper Paratus who have already pledged some kit !)

As usual, you can send to me at the Mark Provincial Office or email/ring me to arrange collection – provagsec2@eastlancsmark.org – 07940 879476

Garry Errock.

3 thoughts on “Ties/Regalia etc – an update – £2200 !

  1. alex mclaren Reply

    This is an unbelievable result. Well done ….. I would never have thought it possible. To help you further I have looked out several other ties and will get these to you when I can.
    Good luck in selling these.

    1. Garry Errock Reply

      Thanks Alex.

      You’d be amazed at how many Grabatologists there are around the world !

  2. Peter Lambert Reply

    Well done Garry

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