To all Lodge almoners – Please read this modified guidance

W Bro Barry R Heal PDepGSwdB Provincial Grand AlmonerTo all Lodge almoners, Please read this modified guidance regarding individuals making an application to the Mark Benevolent Fund. We are going for the common sense approach and trying to keep it as simple as possible to avoid any confusion and miscommunication whilst avoiding any unnecessary upset or distress to the applicant. The attached guidance is intended to avoid any personal contact as far as is possible.

In particular please note the following:

1. Almoners who would normally be visiting one of their regular Beneficiaries in the near future will do this by phone, or alternative electronic communication. I will send each Almoner a copy of last years “Application” for the relevant Beneficiary, along with a new blank form. All that is needed is to fill in the new form with the best information that can be reasonably obtained, using last years application as a guide. It will not be necessary to copy all the documents as we normally would or to obtain a signature. In these difficult times, we have to have some trust with the information provided.

2. In any cases of a request from a “new” Beneficiary not previously visited, refer to me for guidance before doing anything. I will tell you exactly what to do.

3. If the Beneficiary requests any work needed in the premises, replacement white or brown goods, heating boilers, etc, then refer to me.

4. As usual, all applications are to be sent to me, preferably by Email. I check them all before sending them to the MBF.

5. If in any doubt whatsoever ring me immediately. I don’t mind how many calls I get as I now have some spare time in the evenings!

Yours sincerely and fraternally,

Barry R Heal
Provincial Grand Almoner

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