Tony Davies Memorial Walk

24 June 2021 Tony Davies Memorial Walk in the Dark Peak around Blackhill near Holmfirth.
On an overcast day, an enthusiastic group (see photo) of walkers started on the much-heralded and postponed walk in memory of Tony, the first 2021 Festival chairman. After a short silence for Tony, we set off about 10:30 am -target back at the pub for 2:00 pm! The talk of old friends and events and the nearly complete release from lockdown filled the air on the “mountainside”. 

The mood became quieter as the gradual ascent was commenced and a happy parting of the ways soon ensued with a happy expectation that we would all meet again later! The “climbers” ascended into the mist and reached the trig point at Blackhill (see photo). It was soon realised that meeting in the pub at 2:00 pm required us to get a move on and complete our low-level meander back to the start and join the early arrivals at the pub. Which we achieved without any mishaps and happily the first aid kit was not required. We raised £600+ for the 2021 Festival and a ceremonious handing over of the last case of March Brew 2021 to our PGM Alex completed a happy and memorable afternoon. Thanks to all participants on the day and those making contributions who were unable to join us on the day.Colin, John, Freda.

W.Bro. John Cavanagh penned this poem as part of the walk, and although he was unable to take part on the day he has given permission for it to be published here. 

Extraordinary Times

Extraordinary times, you bet they are,
Haven’t been anywhere; near or far.
I’ve finished Netflix and Amazon Prime,
I’ve read every book for the umpteenth time.
I’ve watched every YouTube and the Internet’s done,
I’ve spent hours in the garden getting burnt in the sun.
I’ve clapped for our Nurses on Thursday with pride,
I did Joe Wicks and I promised I tried.
I’ve talked to that woman who lives in my house,
She seems quite nice; she says I’m her spouse.
And I cheered Captain Tom on his marathon quest,
And cried for the departed, cos I feel blessed.

Life is so different it’s a difficult test,
This change for us all isn’t as good as a rest.
I miss all my friends; Masonic and not,
But I’m grateful for family members I’ve got.
I’m drinking too much; and eating still more,
Just Eat and Deliveroo always at my door.
I’ve walked my poor dog; round the estate where we are,
I know every crack in the pavement and every parked car.
I’ve waved at people, never seen them before,
Am I more friendly, of that I’m quite sure.
I seem more tolerant, more calm & more fair,
But so do we all and we all show more care.

I wish all those who’ve passed could come and see,
how this lockdown has changed people especially me.
When finally, free to live life again,
I’ll live it somewhat different; it won’t be the same.
I’ll grip every hand, longer each greeting,
Smile at them truly and savour the meeting.
A much tighter hug and little longer kiss,
We need good greetings; it’s something I miss.

Extraordinary times; yes that what we’ve had,
But hope springs eternal; for that I’m glad.
This nightmare is ending; the pandemic is past,
Life returns to normal, stability at last.
So what can we learn from this extraordinary year,
Patience and kindness it’s ever so clear.
So when we can gather in Lodges with others,
Rejoice with your brethren, your back among brothers.

Covid 19; we won; you’d agree,
I’m a better man for it,
but it’s left its Mark on Me !!!

W Bro John Cavanagh PGJD

One thought on “Tony Davies Memorial Walk

  1. Peter Lambert Reply

    A great article Bob. Well done to those taking part in memory of our friend Tony.
    The poem by John is fitting as this pandemic has touched us all in some way.

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