Turton Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1300 Installation

On Tuesday, 7th O???????????????????????????????ctober 2015, W.Bro.John Smith, P.G.Stwd., A.Prov.G.M., accompanied by W.Bro. Ian Brookes, P.G.J.D., Prov.G.D.C. attended the Installation meeting of Turton Lodge. There were 16 brethren present.

W.Bro. Shaun Higson, P.G.Stwd. was presented by the Lodge DC, W.Bro. John Crank and installed in the Chair by the W.M., W.Bro. John Green in a very accomplished manner.

Following the Installation Ceremony, various propositions and notices of motion were given, the most surprising of which was a notice that the annual subscription be reduced by £15!

A very enjoyable Social Board ensued and the brethren were on their way home by 9.15pm.

Congratulations to all who took part in a most enjoyable ceremony and best wishes for a successful future.

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