Union 171 Christmas meeting – updated

So I said to Mervyn, what did you think of the ceremony………………………………………

Mervyn 2

or was he just joining in with the Christmas spirit?


More to follow……….. John, A.Prov.G.M.

And what a busy evening it was for the Brethren of Union 171 in Uppermill; even visiting APGM WBro John Smith was made to sing for his supper by not only taking part in the Advancement Ceremony of Bro Chris Kendall and presenting a MBF 2021 Festival Jewel to WM Ian Wolstencroft but also being a partridge in a pear tree !

Over 60 Brethren and their Ladies sat down for their Christmas Meal, thoroughly enjoyed by all. Entertainment was provided by the Boarshurst Silver Brass Band from Greenfield who played a selection of traditional Christmas Carols and sing-alongs with everyone joining in enthusiastically.

A  good time was had by all !

Boarshurst Silver Band
Boarshurst Silver Band

WBro John Smith APGM with WM Ian Wolstencroft  and Bro Chris Kendall

WBro John Smith APGM with WM Ian Wolstencroft and Bro Chris Kendall

WBro John Smith APGM presents WM Ian Wolstencroft with East Lancs first 2021 Festival Jewel
WBro John Smith APGM presents WM Ian Wolstencroft with East Lancs first 2021 Festival Jewel

One thought on “Union 171 Christmas meeting – updated

  1. Alexandra Robertson Reply

    Halliuja – thank goodness that is another year over

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