Union 171 – new chequered pavement for Christmas.

The Christmas meeting of Union 171 took place on Monday 16 December. A new chequered pavement had been fitted in the Lodge room and the brethren and their ladies were invited to view.

WBro. Roger Fielding, PAGDC, WM, opened the Lodge at 6.35 pm. Being the Christmas meeting, the business of the Lodge was dealt with speedily and the Lodge was closed at 7.15 pm.

The brethren then joined their wives and partners for a four-course Christmas dinner following which, a raffle took place raising a very creditable £245.00. Everyone was then entertained by the Boarshaw Brass Band who played a wonderful medley of seasonal tunes. Thanks to a grant from the ELMBF, this band have attained championship status and have produced a CD, a number of which were purchased by those present.

A wonderful evening which was enjoyed by all present.

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