Union Mark 171 – end season on a high

Union Mark Lodge No. 171 held their last meeting of the season at Uppermill Lodge room on Monday, May 20th. Attending the meeting was the Deputy Provincial Grand Master John Hartley Smith, ably accompanied by 9 Provincial officers of the year. 

A lecture was delivered  by W.Bro. Eddie Barton which highlighted the evolution of Uppermill and the Lodges that evolved and now work within the building, paying particular attention to the growth and development of Union Mark Lodge. It was well received and raised a few questions from the brethren.

In all, there were brethren from West Yorkshire, East Lancashire and West Lancashire giving a total attendance of 37 contented Mark Masons. The lodge was followed by a hearty 3-course meal with the usual raffle. On this occasion, it was won by one of the visiting Provincial Officers,  W.Bro. Steven Boyle, the Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.

All concluded by 9.30 pm with the brethren looking forward to the summer break but enthusiastically anticipating the return in the Autumn.


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