Union Mark 32 – Jim Noble’s 60th

Union Mark 32The PGM RWBro Keith Partington Schofield GMRAC, accompanied by a delegation of 28 members of Provincial Grand Lodge, attended the 60th Anniversary celebrations for WBro James Noble PProvGSW at Union Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.32 held at Freemason’s Hall, Manchester.

After the Lodge was opened, the PGM and the delegation were admitted to the Lodge and on this occasion the PGM declined to accept the proffered gavel saying he did not wish to detract from WBro Noble’s special evening

RWBro Schofield presented a review of significant events that occurred on the date of WBro Nobles birth in 1930 and the date of his Advancement into Mark Masonry in 1955. Afterwards WBro Kevin Farrell PGJO presented an excellent paper covering his life and masonic history.

The PGM presented a Certificate of Appreciation from Grand Mark Lodge signed by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary, a personal letter of appreciation from the PGM and an illuminated Certificate from Provincial Grand Lodge signed by the PGM and ProvGSecretay.

WBro Noble was then paraded around the Lodge to rapturous applause

After the business of the Lodge was completed the Lodge was closed and WBro Noble accompanied the PGM and the Provincial Delegation on leaving the Lodge

The Social Board was an extremely happy event, the brethren being served and excellent meal prepared by Freemasons’ Hall catering staff. The IPM, WBro Allan Potter presented Jim with a set of crystal wine glasses from the brethren of Union Mark Lodge

A splendid night and hearty congratulations to WBro Noble on a marvellous achievement of 60 years in Mark Masonry

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