Union Mark Lodge 171 – Charity Evening Huge Success

uppermill-masonic-hall-jpgThe Charity Evening hosted by Union Lodge of MMM No 171, at the Masonic Hall, Uppermill on Monday 21st October was a great success both in terms of the work carried out in Advancing Bro Dean Wheeler, in raising money for charity, but more importantly as a wonderful, convivial evening of Mark friendship.

The presence of the RW Provincial Grand Master accompanied by a sizeable Provincial Deputation swelled the number attending to 60 and gave the evening the distinction which made it an unforgettable night for all who were present.

Bro David Dredge, the Worshipful Master, was particularly proud to welcome the distinguished guests as he was able to lead his team of officers in Advancing his personal candidate in an exemplary manner. Bro Wheeler was well aware of the uniqueness of the occasion when the RW Provincial Grand Master himself, delivered the final address of the ceremony.

WBro Roger Fielding, a member of the lodge, had been appointed as Provincial Grand Charity steward but was unable to be invested in June because his mother was critically ill at the time. The RW Provincial Grand Master set this right by investing WBro Fielding with his Provincial Collar during the course of the evening.

The lodge, in supporting WBro Fielding, had decided to commemorate this event by donating a sum of money to the Mark 2021 Festival. A cheque for £1710 was presented to the Provincial Grand Master, who was absolutely delighted by the gesture.


At the social board, the raffle organised by WBro Fielding raised £530 – a remarkable amount! Both of these will go towards WBro Fielding’s endeavours as Charity Steward during his year of office. He was particularly grateful for the generosity off all who donated prizes. He will be outlining further fund-raising plans for the year in due course.

W Bro Eddie Barton


Union Mark Lodge No 171

4 thoughts on “Union Mark Lodge 171 – Charity Evening Huge Success

  1. Stephen Clive Ball Reply

    Dear W Bro Rowe.
    My Name is name is Stephen Ball ( W Bro )/\_|_ PProGSD, Past master of Fortitude Lodge of Mark Masters No 78, which meet in Perranporth, within the Province of Cornwall.
    The reason for my contact is that I have come across an old book of Ritual, which contains the opening, closing, and Advancement Ceremonies, and a brief , record & history of Mark Masonry and Union Lodge of M.M.M. 171, presented to the Lodge on the date of June 10th 1907 by a Bro W.E. Clegg, P.M. PProv Ass’t GDC.
    The book is in very good condition, apart from expected paper yellowing.
    I feel that is rightful and masonic thing to do, to see it returned to it’s home.
    If you want to furnish me with an address I will send it back up North.
    Yours Faithfully and Fraternally S.C. Ball. /\_|_

    1. mark Reply

      Steven get in touch you can send the book to me. First email me at markv_rowe@yahoo.com

      1. Stephen Clive Ball Reply

        Dear Brother Rowe.
        Thank you for your return posting.
        First let me please say thank you for getting back to me and I am sorry for not checking this posting, before now but I have had contact, with the lodge via Bro Ed and have now sent the book on to him if you have not been made aware.
        On a matter concerning this I am looking to obtain some dates for your next few meetings, to see if I can work in a visit.
        Somewhere between say March – June
        Kind regards Stephen.

  2. M Rowe Reply

    What a great night the WM did a great job, and everyone I spoke to on the night really enjoyed themselves.

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