Monday the 16th February 2015 saw W. Bro. Jim Noble, P.Prov.G.S.W. installed into the chair of Union Mark No.32 for the third time, the previous occasions being 1993 and 1998.
This installation is particularly special since not only is Jim a sprightly 85 years of age, but on the 27th April this year he will be celebrating 60 years in Mark masonry.
W. Bro. John Smith, P.G.Stwd., Assistant Provincial Grand Master, attended the installation ceremony and congratulated W. Bro. Noble on his having been installed into the chair once again, in a very sincere ceremony worked by the Brethren of the Lodge. He also said how much he was looking forward to being at Union 32 in April when our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master will be attending, accompanied by the full Provincial Team, to join the celebrations for Jim’s special anniversary.
Any Brother wishing to join Jim and the brethren of Union 32 in the celebrations, please contact the lodge secretary W. Bro. Peter Clegg at:- peter.clegg@ntlworld.com who will be only too pleased to book you in. The meeting will be held at the Masonic Temple, Bridge Street, Manchester.